The islands of the Euxine are the Placate or Cyaneæ,[1]
otherwise called Symplegades, and Apollonia, surnamed Thynias,[2] to distinguish it from the island of that name[3] in
Europe; it is four miles in circumference, and one mile
distant from the mainland. Opposite to Pharnacea[4] is Chalceritis, to which the Greeks have given the name of Aria,[5]
and consecrated it to Mars; here, they say, there were birds
that used to attack strangers with blows of their wings.
1. Already mentioned in B. iv. c. 27.
2. Mentioned in c. 44 of the last Book.
3. The one lying at the mouth of the Danube, and mentioned in B. iv.
c. 27.
4. Mentioned in c. 4 of the present Book. See p. 9.
5. Or "Mars' Island," also called Aretias; at this island, in the south of the Euxine, the two queens of the Amazons, Otrere and Antiope, built a
temple in honour of Ares or Mars. It is thought to be the rocky islet
called by the Turks Kerasunt Ada, between three and four miles from
Kerasunt, the ancient Pharnacea.